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Long-term weight loss demands that slimmers transform various aspects of their day-to-day lifestyle. It requires even more dedication when age is thrown into the mix, as hormonal imbalances can hinder even the most arduous efforts. Samantha MacKenzie embarked on her journey while on holiday at 54 years old, when she started with a daily walking goal of 10,000 steps. Weeks later, the slimmer signed up to Ultimate Performance&gadsource=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjws560BhCuARIsAHMqE0HtZ6ke5ARHM5bt0f8mqZnkELKlBDerfMtQGHvBTraBIR7nnwAIy9MaAnBQEALwwcB)’s fitness programme. She has since shed an impressive 33 kilo…
