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Kyivstar’s network has recently experienced another outage. On September 19, the operator lost connection in a number of regions of Ukraine. Before that, in December last year, the largest cyberattack in history knocked out the operator’s equipment and network for several days.

On the other hand, millions of subscribers are currently outside the country, meaning that they are sometimes forced to contact Kyivstar support. So is the operator’s call center able to handle a huge number of requests and what is being done to improve it? Kyivstar specialists comment on the answers from HiTech Expert.

Modernization and artificial intelligence

What investments has Kyivstar made in customer service over the past 5 years, including in 2024 compared to 2023, and what are the plans for 2025?

Over the past 5 years, we have modernized a number of internal customer service systems, including a call routing system and an automated IVR service platform.

In the near future, we will be actively working on developing a CRM system and improving tools using artificial intelligence to optimize the work of contact center experts and speed up the resolution of customer requests.

Are such investments justified? Please give your reasons.

These changes allow us to effectively adapt to the new challenges posed by the full-scale invasion of Russia. Thanks to the upgrade of the contact center infrastructure, we quickly set up the work of support experts in remote mode and ensured uninterrupted support for our subscribers.

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Kyivstar contact center capacity

What is the capacity of Kyivstar contact center? How many employees does it have? How many calls can the contact center handle simultaneously?

Currently, Kyivstar subscribers are served by a team of 700+ specialists. Several outsourcing partners are also involved in the service, which allows us to flexibly manage the load on support channels and provide affordable and high-quality service.

Processing of foreign requests

How many Kyivstar subscribers have moved to Europe? How does the company deal with the sharp increase in customer calls from abroad and the need to inform subscribers abroad? Has the contact center been modernized in this regard due to the increased workload on the call center?

The same specialists serve our customers abroad as in Ukraine.

Since the total number of customers has not changed, there has been no increase in the workload. However, the structure of calls to the contact center has changed. In particular, there are more questions related to roaming.

The key task for us in modernizing the contact center was to make it possible to contact the operator in the usual way and free of charge from abroad. Therefore, we have finalized this feature for our customers.

Thus, Kyivstar subscribers located abroad can use all the features of remote support. For example, in 2022-2023, we finalized some procedures for remote SIM card replacement and number recovery so that subscribers could continue to use the company’s services without having to physically visit a Kyivstar store.

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Is CRM ready for European integration?

What customer relationship management solution does the company use? To what extent does it meet modern requirements for such systems and what are its disadvantages and advantages compared to the corresponding developments in European companies? Can Kyivstar “integrate” into the EU with such a call center and customer relations system in place, i.e., does the company’s customer service meet European requirements?

(Kyivstar specialists avoided giving a direct answer as to which CRM systems the company uses, but assured us that they are capable and comply with European requirements.)

Kyivstar’s customer service platforms and processes meet all the requirements for “European integration” of the company’s services.

The post Kyivstar CRM system accepts a stream of calls from abroad first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.