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A dashboard of criminal offenses related to business from the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations has been launched. It was developed by the Prosecutor General’s Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Council for Entrepreneurship under Martial Law.

The URPTI Dashboard is an analytical module that digitizes data from prosecutors and courts on criminal offenses related to business in Ukraine. It contains data on the statistics of investigations and court proceedings in a format that is easy to analyze and understand. It also has filters for a specific article or period, as well as separately for the bodies that investigate cases. Previously, the information was stored in dozens of tables, some of which may have been closed.

The value of the URPTI dashboard

“Ukraine is the only country in the world that is developing the open data sphere in the context of a full-scale war. Four years ago, we were in the top 20 of the European ranking, and now we are in the top 3. The creation of the URPTI dashboard is another signal that we have to become a leader in the field of open data,” says Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development, Minister of Digital Transformation.

According to him, everyone gets a convenient tool for analyzing data that was previously available in dozens of tables or was closed altogether. This is a revolutionary step that improves the interaction between business and the state and makes the law enforcement system more transparent.

“This is a successful example of cooperation between the state and the private sector, when the state receives a quick and effective response to a request. We especially appreciate such support in the context of extremely limited resources during the war. This is a clear demonstration of our commitment to greater openness and additional opportunities to search for anomalies – mistakes or abuses that the Prosecutor General’s Office seeks to identify and correct to meet the business’s demand for justice,” said Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin.

генпрокурор Андрій Костін, Михайло Федоров, Єрмак

What the Ministry of Digital Transformation has done

The team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation helped to analyze

  • business processes of procedural investigative actions, data processed in the URPTI;
  • data that are not in the register and those that should be logged and collected for visualization on a dashboard;
  • technical specification of the registry.

The team also provided recommendations on criteria and triggers in the system to detect anomalies of pressure on business, track the dynamics of anomalies, supplement the data structure, and help with the design of landing pages.

What does the digitalization of controlling violations bring to business?

The dashboard can be used by any citizen or institution. On the one hand, it allows the Prosecutor General’s Office to see a clearer picture of the state of affairs in the field of economic crime in Ukraine. On the other hand, it helps to make law enforcement activities more transparent, minimize the human factor, speed up data exchange, and reduce the risks of data loss and manipulation.

“For me, as an entrepreneur who has been building an IT business for 18 years, digitalization of processes plays a key role in building trust in the state. The creation of the dashboard is a rather bold step towards business and society as a whole, a step towards transparency of the law enforcement system. I am grateful to Prosecutor General Kostin for his openness and readiness for such changes. In the long run, the increase in the data set should result in the construction of a fully automatic risk management system that will work with Big Data. The plans are ambitious, but the process has already been launched,” said Artem Borodatiuk, founder of Netpeak Group, member of the Council for Support of Entrepreneurship under Martial Law at the Presidential Office.

Entrepreneurs, government officials, and the public will be able to get acquainted with analytical data and statistics on law enforcement’s work with economic crimes in a convenient format. This will allow them to see the real situation, track its dynamics and trends.

The digitalization of processes within the prosecutor’s office helps not only to access data on criminal cases, but also to ensure transparent access to justice in Ukraine in general.

The post The dashboard of the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations is being tested first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.