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Chinese astronomers have released new data on the size of the Milky Way galaxy, which indicates that it is much larger than previously thought. In their study, published in the prestigious journal Nature Astronomy, they used data from the world’s first large spectral survey of the starry sky in the near-infrared APOGEE.

The team of researchers analyzed the distribution of stars in the Milky Way

This study allowed the team, led by Associate Professor Lian Jianhui of Yunnan University, to take into account dust and other factors that can interfere with traditional measurements. By analyzing the distribution of stars in the Milky Way, they were able to recreate a more complete picture of its structure.

Their findings call into question the long-held assumption that the Milky Way has a single exponential disk, a flat structure where the stellar density steadily decreases as it moves outward. Instead, the study points to a more complex structure. The outer disk (beyond 24,000 light-years from the center of the galaxy) seems to follow an exponential model. The inner disk (between 11,000 and 24,000 light-years), however, shows a flatter distribution, and the stellar density remains relatively constant.

This revised understanding has significant implications. Previous estimates based on the exponential disk model put the Milky Way’s radius at about 10,000 light-years, making it denser than galaxies of similar mass. The new data, however, indicate an almost doubled radius of 19,000 light-years, which puts the Milky Way on par with other galaxies of its type.

Professor Lian emphasizes the importance of near-infrared observations to overcome the limitations of traditional methods. Dust particles have a significant impact on visible light, but their effect on near-infrared wavelengths is much smaller. This allows us to get a clearer picture of the stellar distribution, especially in the dusty inner regions of the Milky Way.

These results provide valuable information about the structure and characteristics of our galaxy, which encourages further research aimed at revising estimates of the general physical properties of the Milky Way.

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