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GigaCenter has received the first Ukrainian certificate of compliance with the Integrated Information Security System (IISS) for commercial data center systems. The certification proves that the data center provides information protection in accordance with the most stringent state requirements.

Certificate for the entire data center

The IISS certificate is valid for information and communication systems of the entire commercial data center. Before that, commercial data centers were certified only for cloud systems.

“This is the first case in Ukraine when a data center provides information protection in accordance with strict state requirements not for a part of the infrastructure, but for the infrastructure of all customers. This applies to everyone who physically places IT equipment in GigaCenter. Services with tens of millions of users are built on this infrastructure, both for business and the public sector. Now the data of Ukrainians is even more secure,” says Nazariy Kurochko, CEO of GigaCenter and founder of GIGAGROUP.

As stated in the expert opinion to the IISS certificate, GigaCenter systems are suitable for processing both open and restricted information, including proprietary information. It is also noted that the data center’s information and communication systems ensure the uninterrupted operation of IT equipment of critical infrastructure facilities.

GigaCenter — один з найбільших комерційних дата-центрів України

One of the largest

GigaCenter is one of the largest commercial data centers in Ukraine. The data center was built in accordance with the requirements of TIER III and the international standard TIA 942. In addition to the IISS certificate, the data center also has ISO/IEC 27001 (information security management standard) and PCI DSS (regulates the security of customer payment data) certificates.

More than 500 clients from both the public sector and business will host their IT systems at GigaCenter. This includes GigaCloud, Ukraine’s largest cloud operator, whose services are used by more than 20 million Ukrainians every day.

The post GigaCenter has received a certificate of compliance with the IISS first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.