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Britons have been told that several batches of My Babiie Infant Carriers are unsafe to use. The infant carriers present a risk of injuries and have therefore been recalled from users. My Babiie Infant Carriers Type: Childcare articles and children’s equipment – Infant Carrier Brand: My Babiie Models: MBC50B, MB250IDDGF, MB250IBFHB, MB250IBFQG, MB200IDDLB, MB200IBFBL, MB500IDDOP, MB200ISFGT, MB200IBFBN, MB200IDDPP, MB200IDDBP, MB500IBFGB, MB500IDDMR, MB500IDDST Affected batches: #00001084, #00001125, #00001217, #00001134, #00001135, #00001136, #00001181, #00001182, #00001183, #00001184, #000011…
