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31 online casino applications were blocked by Google Play and App Store at the request of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. This was reported by Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov.

“A few months ago, we appealed to Apple and Google on the initiative of the President to restrict gambling. We have results from Google – the first 19 online casinos in Google Play have been blocked,” Fedorov said.

віцепрем'єр Михайло Федоров

He reminded that the App Store had previously blocked 50 apps, and now it has blocked 12 more thanks to citizens’ appeals.

If you find online casino apps, please report them to the Ministry of Digital Transformation. To do this, write to hello@thedigital.gov.ua with the subject line “Casino blocking”.

“The fight against gambling addiction continues. I thank Apple and Google for their effective cooperation,” adds Fedorov.

The post Google Play and App Store blocked 31 online casinos first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.