Russian missile strike on Odesa: Number of killed rises

The number of killed in Odesa has increased as a result of yesterday’s Russian rocket attack on the city, according to Oleh Kiper, according to the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration. The number of killed has risen to 5. A man died in t…

Russian missile strike on Odesa: Number of killed rises

The number of killed in Odesa has increased as a result of yesterday’s Russian rocket attack on the city, according to Oleh Kiper, according to the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration. The number of killed has risen to 5. A man died in t…

Russian missile strike on Odesa: Number of killed rises

The number of killed in Odesa has increased as a result of yesterday’s Russian rocket attack on the city, according to Oleh Kiper, according to the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration. The number of killed has risen to 5. A man died in t…

1. Mai: 5500 Polizisten in Berlin im Einsatz

Der 1. Mai ist in Deutschland jedes Jahr Anlass für Kundgebungen und Demonstrationen, die in der Vergangenheit öfter auch aus dem Ruder liefen. Gerade in Berlin-Kreuzberg gab es seit 1987 Krawalle von Linksautonomen. In den vergangenen Jahren ging die …