Is America’s ‘woke backlash’ a warning?

By Eliot Wilson With Microsoft scrapping a DEI team and Elon Musk moving to Texas, is the tide turning on the ‘woke’ agenda – and should businesses pay attention? Asks Eliot Wilson When America sneezes, Britain catches a cold. It is an idea that became…

Visszatérhet Nyíregyházára a Spartacus

A Nyíregyháza az elmúlt két idényben Balmazújvárosban játszotta „hazai” mérkőzéseit, mert az új stadion építési munkálatai ennyi időt vettek igénybe. A tervek szerint a Szpari a 2024–2025-ös idényben már hazai környezetben fogadhatja ellenfeleit, kivév…

Thank you, Joe | Opinion

Let me add my words of gratitude to Joe Biden for doing something Donald Trump is incapable of doing — putting his country over ego, ambition, and pride. Biden bowed out with grace and dignity. It would have been better had he done so three weeks ago, …

Thank you, Joe | Opinion

Let me add my words of gratitude to Joe Biden for doing something Donald Trump is incapable of doing — putting his country over ego, ambition, and pride. Biden bowed out with grace and dignity. It would have been better had he done so three weeks ago, …