
カンニング竹山 焼き肉店の「女性半額コース」炎上に「女が安くてもいいじゃねえか馬鹿野郎」とあきれ顔 記事によると… ・お笑いタレントのカンニング竹山(53)が、2日放送のTOKYO MX「バラいろダンディ」に出演 ・番組では、大手焼き肉チェ……

Yemeni Houthi rebels attack oil tankers in Red Sea

On Monday, September 2, Houthi rebels targeted two oil tankers in the Red Sea near the coast of Yemen, reports Reuters. According to agency sources, the terrorists attacked two oil tankers: the Saudi-flagged Amjad and the Panama-flagged Blue Lagoon I. …

Yemeni Houthi rebels attack oil tankers in Red Sea

On Monday, September 2, Houthi rebels targeted two oil tankers in the Red Sea near the coast of Yemen, reports Reuters. According to agency sources, the terrorists attacked two oil tankers: the Saudi-flagged Amjad and the Panama-flagged Blue Lagoon I. …

Yemeni Houthi rebels attack oil tankers in Red Sea

On Monday, September 2, Houthi rebels targeted two oil tankers in the Red Sea near the coast of Yemen, reports Reuters. According to agency sources, the terrorists attacked two oil tankers: the Saudi-flagged Amjad and the Panama-flagged Blue Lagoon I. …