Morocco: 100 protests in solidarity with Gaza in one day

Over 100 demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians were held across 58 cities in Morocco on Friday to denounce Israel’s war on Gaza which has been ongoing since October, the Moroccan Committee for Supporting the Nation’s Causes said. The organisat…

Massive fire breaks out in Moscow

A powerful fire broke out in Moscow on Saturday, August 31. The fire has been extinguished since the morning, with helicopters and a ship involved, reports the Russian Ministry of Emergencies. A two-story office building in western Moscow caught fire. …

Massive fire breaks out in Moscow

A powerful fire broke out in Moscow on Saturday, August 31. The fire has been extinguished since the morning, with helicopters and a ship involved, reports the Russian Ministry of Emergencies. A two-story office building in western Moscow caught fire. …

Massive fire breaks out in Moscow

A powerful fire broke out in Moscow on Saturday, August 31. The fire has been extinguished since the morning, with helicopters and a ship involved, reports the Russian Ministry of Emergencies. A two-story office building in western Moscow caught fire. …

Massive fire breaks out in Moscow

A powerful fire broke out in Moscow on Saturday, August 31. The fire has been extinguished since the morning, with helicopters and a ship involved, reports the Russian Ministry of Emergencies. A two-story office building in western Moscow caught fire. …

Svájcból igazolt magyar védőt a Ferencváros

Ahogy azt mi is megírtuk, a Ferencváros keretében még mindig várható játékmozgás, s szombat este a magyar bajnok Ferencváros egy videón mutatta be Szalai Gábort. Szalai tagja volt a 2022/23-as idényben ezüstérmes Kecskemétnek, gólt szerzett a Puskás Ak…