PASCO COUNTY, Fla. – A 46-year-old Dade City woman tragically lost her life early Monday morning after being hit by a car while riding her tricycle. The incident occurred around 1:50 AM on Long Avenue, west of 15th Street. The woman was riding her tric…
Finlândia planeja proibição de propriedade para russos após adesão à OTAN
O governo da Finlândia está propondo proibir a maioria dos cidadãos russos de comprar propriedades no país para aumentar a segurança nacional. Esta proposta ocorre após tensões crescentes entre a Finlândia e a Rússia desde a invasão da Ucrânia por esta…
Banning under-18 from WAEC, NECO will limit potential of Nigerian children – Olota
Oba Abdulkabir Obalanlege, Olota of Ota, Ogun State, says banning under-18 students from sitting for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) will limit the potential of Nigerian children. Obalanlege made the observation while de…
Finland planlegger eiendomsforbud for russere etter NATO-medlemskap
Finlands regjering foreslår et forbud for de fleste russiske borgere fra å kjøpe eiendom i landet for å styrke nasjonal sikkerhet. Dette forslaget følger eskalerende spenninger mellom Finland og Russland siden sistnevntes invasjon av Ukraina i 2022, no…
Finland plant eigendomsverbod voor Russen na NAVO-lidmaatschap
De Finse regering stelt voor om de meeste Russische burgers een verbod op de aankoop van onroerend goed in het land op te leggen, om zo de nationale veiligheid te vergroten. Dit voorstel volgt op de toenemende spanningen tussen Finland en Rusland sinds…
Opinion: Examining Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s alleged ties to the Kremlin
In March 2023, I noticed a disturbing silence about the messaging platform Telegram’s ties to the Kremlin, despite Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine. It was like a Trojan horse – right in the pockets of 70% of Ukrainians. I quickly compiled years of…
Opinion: Examining Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s alleged ties to the Kremlin
In March 2023, I noticed a disturbing silence about the messaging platform Telegram’s ties to the Kremlin, despite Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine. It was like a Trojan horse – right in the pockets of 70% of Ukrainians. I quickly compiled years of…
Opinion: Examining Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s alleged ties to the Kremlin
In March 2023, I noticed a disturbing silence about the messaging platform Telegram’s ties to the Kremlin, despite Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine. It was like a Trojan horse – right in the pockets of 70% of Ukrainians. I quickly compiled years of…
Fútbol.- Luis de la Fuente, en el libro ‘El adiós de Jesús Navas’: “Es un ejemplo para la sociedad”
El seleccionador nacional de fútbol, Luis de la Fuente, calificó al defensa internacional Jesús Navas como un “ejemplo para la sociedad”, en el libro homenaje al jugador del Sevilla campeón de la Eurocopa este verano en Alemania escrito por los periodi…
Fútbol.- Jon Uriarte: “Nico Williams ha dejado claro con hechos y palabras que quiere seguir aquí”
El presidente del Athletic Club, Jon Uriarte, ha afirmado este lunes que Nico Williams ha dejado claro “con hechos y palabras” que quiere seguir en Bilbao y que el objetivo del club es “retener talento” para poder ser “ambiciosos”, y ha recordado que e…