直木賞受賞作家・一穂ミチの最新作がついに刊行! #一穂ミチ #恋とか愛とかやさしさなら #直木賞
Toyota 1st-half global output drops 7% on China, 1st fall in 4 years
Toyota Motor Corp. said Wednesday its global production fell 7.0 percent from a year earlier in the April-September period, marking the first drop in four years, as a quality scandal and weaker sales in China dented both domestic and overseas output. T…
フライング・ロータス、最新EP『Spirit Box』をサプライズ・リリース
8月から立て続けに「Garmonbozia」と「Ingo Swann」の2曲をリリースし、2年ぶりに…
Your Kindle books have NEVER looked like this! New e-reader does something Amazon resisted for 16 years
Amazon’s all-new Kindle Colorsoft releases in the UK today. As the name suggests, this flagship e-reader deviates fromevery other released under the Kindle moniker since 2007 by introducing a colour e-ink screen. According to Amazon, this revolutionary…
【西武】MLB通算114本塁打のアギラ―解雇 打率2割4厘、2本塁打 8月に右足首手術
西武は30日、ヘスス・アギラー内野手(34)との契約を終了し、来季の契約を結ばないと発表した。 メジ…
FUNDROP 16号ファンドが運用期間を無事に終了し利回りを分配 #愛知県 #不動産投資 #犬山市 #FUNDROP
トヨタ、世界生産7%減 認証不正や中国市場での苦戦響く
The weapon you should choose in a zombie apocalypse, approved by a firearm expert
Despite America’s love of guns, choosing a firearm to fight back hordes of undead in the zombie apocalypse is not the smartest idea, a historian and firearm expert has explained. From Zombieland to Resident Evil, World War Z to Train to Busan, zombie m…
レクサス、「UX300h」に2つの特別仕様車 “F SPORT Emotional Explorer””Graceful Explorer” 価格511万円から
2024年10月30日 発売 “F SPORT Emotional Explorer”:545万20…