長期インターンシップ経験者の評価に関する調査結果を発表 #東京都 #品川区 #インターンシップ #IDEATECH #Percify
衆院選道5区 池田氏、手堅く得票 千歳・恵庭 「裏金」和田氏を直撃
エースが負けられない一戦で力投!DeNA東克樹が7回1失点 毎回の10安打もあと1本を許さず
【画像】ファンも「心が熱くなる」DeNA桑原将志が気迫のダイビングキャッチ ◇プロ野球日本シリーズ第…
Killings by German police at highest level in decades
German police officers have already fatally shot significantly more people while on duty this year than in previous years, according to an analysis of police reports by dpa. Reports indicate that 17 people have died in police shootings since January. I…
16 Movies Inspired by Rock Songs
The music used in a movie can often times be just as memorable as the movie itself. Done right, a film’s soundtrack can engage a viewer beyond just what they’re seeing on the screen and propel the narrative forward. Music and movies have been intertwin…
British drivers overwhelmingly reject pay-per-mile car tax changes and fuel duty hikes ahead of Budget
The overwhelming majority of drivers and Labour voters have called on the Government to freeze or cut fuel duty in tomorrow’s Budget, according to a major new report. Over 80,000 road users took part in a survey which found that 92 per cent of people d…
渋谷で開催!新たな自分を見つけるファッションイベント『weach!2024AW』 #東京都 #渋谷区 #渋谷 #ファッションイベント #weach
【ボート】住之江 村岡賢人が5コースから差しで大波乱の優勝を演出
「池田市制85周年記念競走」(29日、住之江) 優勝戦が行われ、5号艇の村岡賢人(34)=岡山・10…