Robert Lighthizer — who served as Donald Trump’s U.S. Trade Representative — is on a mission to “convince lawmakers and the public that their plans for dramatically higher tariffs will energize the economy instead of tanking it,” Politico reports. “Acc…
Trump ex-trade chief tries to convince lawmakers higher tariffs won’t tank economy
Robert Lighthizer — who served as Donald Trump’s U.S. Trade Representative — is on a mission to “convince lawmakers and the public that their plans for dramatically higher tariffs will energize the economy instead of tanking it,” Politico reports. “Acc…
Trump ex-trade chief tries to convince lawmakers higher tariffs won’t tank economy
Robert Lighthizer — who served as Donald Trump’s U.S. Trade Representative — is on a mission to “convince lawmakers and the public that their plans for dramatically higher tariffs will energize the economy instead of tanking it,” Politico reports. “Acc…
Trump ex-trade chief tries to convince lawmakers higher tariffs won’t tank economy
Robert Lighthizer — who served as Donald Trump’s U.S. Trade Representative — is on a mission to “convince lawmakers and the public that their plans for dramatically higher tariffs will energize the economy instead of tanking it,” Politico reports. “Acc…
Trump ex-trade chief tries to convince lawmakers higher tariffs won’t tank economy
Robert Lighthizer — who served as Donald Trump’s U.S. Trade Representative — is on a mission to “convince lawmakers and the public that their plans for dramatically higher tariffs will energize the economy instead of tanking it,” Politico reports. “Acc…
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