A new video of Cole Hauser shows his natural hair, surprising fans who are used to his dark, rugged look on “Yellowstone.” The reveal sparked intense reactions online. The actor, known for playing the brooding cowboy Rip Wheeler in the hit TV series “Y…
Orchard Theatre in Dartford undergoes raft of extra work in wake of Grenfell Inquiry report – and won’t reopen until May 2025 at earliest
A raft of extra work is being carried out before a town theatre can finally reopen after new fire safety changes in the wake of the Grenfell fire disaster. The Orchard Theatre in Dartford has been shut since last September when it was found to have rei…
Wren Vera Brett celebrates 100th birthday at Unicorn Pub in Marden High Street
A Wren who worked as a radar plotter during the Second World War has celebrated her 100th birthday. Vera Brett was joined by friends and family at The Unicorn pub in Marden. She blew out her candles and looked back at what she describes as a century of…
Canterbury Historic River Tours punter goes viral on social media thanks to centuries-old trick to get under low bridge
A punter’s use of one of the oldest tricks in the book has captivated a very modern audience – with millions on social media watching his moves. The viral footage, taken by a passenger, shows the man nonchalantly lying back and using his feet to push h…
Woman dies after collapsing in Morrisons car park, Margate
A woman has died after collapsing in a supermarket car park. She was taken unwell yesterday at Margate’s Morrisons in College Walk, where ambulance crews were alerted shortly after midday. When medics arrived multiple members of public had gathered nea…
Landlord fined £12k after ‘serious hazards’ found in home in Unity Street, Sheerness
A landlord has been fined £12,000 after failing to fix “serious hazards” at a home. Swale council’s housing enforcement team inspected the property in Unity Street, Sheerness after a tenant complained. The officers found that the home was cold due to i…
Ucrania.- Macron y Rutte subrayan que el apoyo a Ucrania es una “prioridad absoluta” de la OTAN
El presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, y el secretario general de la OTAN, Mark Rutte, han coincidido este martes en subrayar que el apoyo a Ucrania frente a la invasión rusa es “una prioridad absoluta” y reforzar a Kiev debe ser una condición prev…
Detenido por lanzar piedras y otros objetos a policías tras la manifestación contra la gestión de la DANA
Agentes de la Policía Nacional han detenido en la noche del lunes a un hombre de 43 años como presunto autor de un delito de lesiones, atentado y desórdenes públicos, tras supuestamente lanzar piedras y otros objetos peligrosos contra los policías, tra…
ドイツ、来年2月23日に総選挙の見通し 先週に連立政権が崩壊、年内に議会解散へ
El cardenal Becciu sigue defendiendo su inocencia tras el juicio y lamenta una “percepción ideológica de los hechos”
El cardenal Angelo Becciu –que gestó una operación opaca para comprar un edificio en Londres que acabó en estafa para el Vaticano– ha seguido defendiendo su inocencia en una carta publicada íntegramente por los medios de comunicación de la Santa Sede…