「侍ジャパン合宿」(31日、宮崎) 阪神・才木浩人投手(25)が31日、宮崎市内のSOKKENスタジ…
元巨人のミキハウス・桜井 全国初勝利&初完封!NPBスカウトから今季現役復帰 貫禄漂った119球
「社会人野球日本選手権・1回戦、ミキハウス2-0ENEOS」(31日、京セラドーム大阪) 1回戦3試…
気嵐、幻想の朝 氷見沖・唐島
●上野さん撮影 氷見市沖に浮かぶ富山県天然記念物の唐島周辺で31日朝、冬の風物詩である「気嵐(けあら…
DeNA・ジャクソン 古巣ドジャース世界一刺激 7回0封8K快投「全てのことがうまくいった」
「SMBC日本シリーズ2024、ソフトバンク0-7DeNA」(31日、みずほペイペイドーム) メジャ…
広島・小園 侍合宿中に西武・源田の技術盗む 「うまいなぁと思いながら」アドバイスもらい「心強い」
「侍ジャパン合宿」(31日、宮崎) 野球日本代表・侍ジャパンの宮崎強化合宿に参加している広島・小園海…
‘An incredible job’: Lewis Hamilton advises five-point F1 driver to ‘make sure’ he is trying to reach the 2025 grid
Lewis Hamilton has now started the second-most Formula 1 grands prix in history and has no plans to stop any time soon. Thankfully for himself and his new team Ferrari, he is still performing at a very high level and has managed to win in a fairly sub-…
Contas do FC Porto: bilheteira, lugares anuais e sócios do FC Porto cresceram
O FC Porto apresentou proveitos operacionais, excluindo passes dos jogadores, superiores em 2023/24 em comparação com o período homólogo anterior. O exercício fechou com proveitos no valor de 174,499 M€, mais 5% do que o registado a 30 de junho de 2023…
‘It’s gross’: Gay men not thrilled to be classified as ‘normal’ by J.D. Vance
Sen. J.D. Vance’s closing campaign argument that he and former President Donald Trump had the support of the “normal gay guy” received a swift fact check from gay men who said no thanks, calling his comments “gross” and “grotesque bigotry.” Vance’s com…
‘It’s gross’: Gay men not thrilled to be classified as ‘normal’ by J.D. Vance
Sen. J.D. Vance’s closing campaign argument that he and former President Donald Trump had the support of the “normal gay guy” received a swift fact check from gay men who said no thanks, calling his comments “gross” and “grotesque bigotry.” Vance’s com…
‘It’s gross’: Gay men not thrilled to be classified as ‘normal’ by J.D. Vance
Sen. J.D. Vance’s closing campaign argument that he and former President Donald Trump had the support of the “normal gay guy” received a swift fact check from gay men who said no thanks, calling his comments “gross” and “grotesque bigotry.” Vance’s com…