Earlier this month, it was confirmed that Red Magic is making an entry into the laptop segment. The brand has now officially announced the launch date of its first-ever gaming laptop in China. It will make its debut next month. Red Magic also shared several teasers on its official Weibo page, confirming key details of the upcoming offering.
Red Magic Gaming gaming laptop launch date announced
Red Magic Gaming gaming laptop will be launched in China on July 3 at 19:00 local time. The brand has teased some key details in separate Weibo posts. One image indicates that the laptop will be equipped with artificial intelligence features. It shows narrow bezels around the display.
It has been confirmed that the Red Magic Gaming laptop will be powered by a 14th generation Intel Core i9 processor. It will also have an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 GPU on board. This should provide powerful performance. We can also expect the laptop to be announced in a different hardware configuration. It is noteworthy that the aforementioned hardware details are consistent with the Geekbench listing of the upcoming offering. The database also revealed 16 GB of RAM.
That’s all Red Magic has officially announced about its first laptop for now. We can expect more details in the days leading up to the launch.
According to the 3C certification list, the Red Magic Gaming laptop will come with support for 280W charging from BYD. It has also passed Bluetooth, WiFi, and CMIIT certification. The lid of the device is expected to feature an RGB-backlit logo.
For those who don’t know, Red Magic already offers peripherals such as gaming mice, keyboards, and monitors. Recently, the brand announced the 1S gaming mouse and 1S mechanical keyboard aimed at gamers. Both devices are equipped with RGB backlighting and a number of features, and the keyboard also has a 1.47-inch display.
The post Red Magic gaming laptop launch is scheduled for July 3 first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.