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The PULSE Charitable Foundation, which develops tactical medicine in Ukraine, and Vodafone Ukraine have launched a project to set up stabilization stations in the frontline areas. The project consists of two main stages:

  • training military medics in blood transfusion;
  • Providing equipment for blood transfusion and storage in frontline stabilization centers.

Currently, two groups of instructors have been trained to pass on their experience to combat medics.

Timely blood transfusion

According to statistics, blood loss is the main cause of death among the wounded. In many cases, blood is transfused in hospitals, which can be too late given the difficult conditions of evacuation from the war zone.

Instead, early blood transfusion, combined with proper bleeding control at the site of injury and rapid evacuation, significantly increases the survival rate of trauma victims.

“In such a complicated and brutal war that Ukraine is waging against the aggressor, it is critically important to become better and stronger, in particular, to implement the most modern medical practices to save patients. One of these practices is blood transfusion by medical professionals at the pre-hospital stage: the sooner the wounded receive blood, the more chances there are to save a seriously injured patient. It is in the implementation of such innovations, which is not an easy task, that I see the power of cooperation between the Armed Forces, PULSE as an expert organization, the main donor of the Vodafone project, and other representatives of responsible business,” says PULSE co-founder Fedir Serdyuk.

Vodafone та PULSE об’єдналися для порятунку поранених

Course of study

The project is implemented in partnership with the Ukrainian Center for Transplant Coordination in accordance with the roadmap of the Ministry of Health.

The first to undergo training in prehospital transfusion will be medics from the Ukrainian Marine Corps combat brigades. The training course will last 4 days. The plan is to train 4-5 groups of medics from the Marine Corps combat brigades and provide at least 4 stabilization centers with equipment for blood storage, transportation and transfusion within three months.

“We provide services that have become vital during the war, critical for survival, organization of aid and rescue of people. We provide comprehensive support to those who save lives, especially medics. The purchase of medical equipment, training and psychological support for medics is one of our priorities today,” said Olga Ustinova, General Director of Vodafone Ukraine.

The post Vodafone and PULSE team up to save the wounded first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.