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The robots will save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers: they will transport ammunition to positions, attack the enemy and evacuate the wounded.

That’s why UNITED24 is announcing the first fee for ground robotic platforms:

  • Combat robots Rage, MOROZ, Sabre M2, D-11. They storm enemy positions and defend their own.

Бойові роботи Шабля М2

  • ARK-1 kamikaze robots destroying Russian armored vehicles.
  • RATEL S miners, which mine enemy territories and positions with anti-tank mines.

RATEL S — мінують території й позиції ворога протитанковими мінами

  • Logistics robots Volya-E, Ratel H, Termit, Lynx Pro, KNLR-E, Sirko-S1. They deliver ammunition to military positions, evacuate the wounded from the front line, and install electronic warfare devices.

This collection is indefinite, as our military need work on the battlefield all the time. Once purchased, they will be distributed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The first robotic platforms are already proving their effectiveness on the battlefield. Soon there will be more – much more. Support the Defense Forces, donate to the army, influence the situation on the battlefield and, most importantly, save the lives of our military.


The post UNITED24 raises funds for ground robotic platforms first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.