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GainersWestern Digital (NASDAQ:WDC) stock moved upwards by 7.8% to $71.5 during Thursday’s after-market session. The market value of their outstanding shares is at $24.5 billion. The company’s, Q1 earnings came out today.Glimpse Group (NASDAQ:VRAR) shares rose 5.0% to $0.73. The market value of their outstanding shares is at $13.3 million.WM Tech (NASDAQ:MAPS) stock rose 4.99% to $0.89. The company’s market cap stands at $86.0 million.NiSun Intl Enterprise Dev (NASDAQ:NISN) stock rose 4.96% to $9.52. The company’s market cap stands at $37.6 million.Wetouch Technology (NASDAQ:WETH) shares incre…
