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2K announced *TopSpin® 2K25](https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftopspin.2k.com%2F2k25%2F&esheet=53956970&newsitemid=20240426322297&lan=en-US&anchor=TopSpin%26%23174%3B+2K25&index=1&md5=a2428fc9cfd2f1b8929fb711cdfedb22),*a revival of the beloved tennis simulation video game series developed by Hangar 13, is available now on PlayStation® 5 (PS5®), PlayStation®4 (PS4®), Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam. Featuring competitive single-player and multiplayer modes, all four historic Grand Slam® Tournaments, 25 playable pros, and much more, TopSpin 2K25** is s…
