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From 16 to 22 September 2024, Ukraine took part in the European Mobility Week, a pan-European initiative aimed at improving the environment and promoting micromobility.

In the current context of global change and urbanization, micromobility is becoming an important component of the sustainable development strategy of Ukrainian cities, helping to reduce traffic in megacities and increase the availability of public transport.

Results of the study

Bolt conducted a study among e-scooter rental service users to analyze the role of ride-sharing services in the urban mobility system. The results of the study demonstrated the growing importance of this mode of transportation in shaping a sustainable and interconnected urban future.

Despite the consequences of the hostilities, Ukrainian cities continue to develop and move towards more sustainable and flexible transportation solutions, and ride-sharing services are becoming one of the key factors in this transformation. According to a study by Bolt:

  • 47% of respondents said they regularly use an e-scooter rental service to commute to work.
  • For 50% of e-scooter users, accessibility is the most important factor when choosing a mode of transportation.
  • 56% of respondents said that access to mobility services encourages them to use public transportation more often.

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Impact on transportation and car use

Ride-sharing services play an important role in complementing and developing the overall public transportation system in Ukraine, especially in areas where public transportation is less frequent or the distance to the nearest public transportation stop is long. Bolt’s research shows that 17% of trips would not have taken place at all if the e-scooter rental service had not been available. This emphasizes the importance of micromobility services as a flexible and convenient mode of transportation for short trips.

The use of e-scooters by Ukrainians makes drivers and cities less dependent on cars. 53% of Bolt users do not own a car, but 20% of them say they do not plan to buy a car because of their access to the scooter sharing service.

“E-scooter rental services play an important role in the development of Ukrainian cities by offering affordable and sustainable transportation solutions. Our research shows that these services help make cities more inclusive. Ride-sharing services are an integral part of the future of urban transportation in Ukraine,” said Anton Milka, Head of Ride-Sharing Services Development at Bolt Ukraine.

Scooter sharing is becoming an important element of the urban mobility strategy in Ukraine. By connecting underserved areas and supporting the use of public transportation, Bolt e-scooters are helping to create a more accessible urban environment in Ukrainian cities.

The post Bolt sees the impact of e-scooters on urban transportation first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.