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Brave1 held the Precision hackathon. Its participants created technologies that can improve the accuracy and precision of the operations of the Security and Defense Forces.

This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov:

“Our task in technological warfare is to constantly generate innovations and look for quick solutions to military challenges.”

віцепрем'єр Михайло Федоров

What the participants presented

More than 200 innovators from 60 teams took part in the hackathon. The finalists were 12 of them, who received money for product development. They presented

  • advanced guidance systems;
  • sensor integration and data analysis;
  • smart ammunition;
  • simulators and training software;
  • autonomous and semi-autonomous systems.

These solutions will improve the accuracy of enemy attacks, and you will see the results in the reports of the affected equipment.

Розробки з Precision


The participants tested their developments at the training ground. Brave1 will continue to work with all the finalist teams to ensure that the military receives the finished products as soon as possible and starts using them against the enemy.

The hackathon is an opportunity to get involved in projects that will help the military. Brave1 constantly organizes such events to provide defenders with the most advanced technological solutions, and for developers, it is another way to make a name for themselves and raise funds from investors.

Розробки з Precision - дрон

Join the Brave1 hackathons and create the next game changers of war.

The post Developments from Precision will improve the accuracy of the operations first appeared on HiTechExpert.top.