Zelenskyy may visit Switzerland next week

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy may visit Switzerland next week and participate in the international forum in Davos, according to Tages-Anzeiger. In January, the President of Ukraine intends to visit the World Economic Forum in Davos and the ca…

Two Nigerians held in Delhi for customs fraud

New Delhi [India], January 9 (ANI): Delhi Police has arrested two people for allegedly duping people on the pretext of customs clearance after befriending them on social media, police said. According to the police official, the accused were part of an …

US says Bangladesh elections were not free and fair

By Kanishka Singh WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States shares the view that the weekend’s elections in Bangladesh were not free and fair, the U.S. State Department said on Monday, adding that Washington was concerned by reports of vote irregulariti…


1: 名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) [CN] 2024/01/09(火) 11:08:09.44 ID:sUouGvKP0● BE:866556825-PLT(21500) 〈1.1大震災〉氷見で積雪、つらい朝 避難 […]

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