On Nutrition: Understanding iodine

I studied it in school. I know it is a micronutrient that the body needs in teeny tiny amounts. But I hadn’t thought much more about iodine until I was told to temporarily avoid it for an upcoming medical test. I’ve learned a lot. Most important is the…

Wo ist Alexej Nawalny?

Seit zehn Tagen kein Lebenszeichen Wo ist Alexej Nawalny?(Quelle: YULIA MOROZOVA/Reuters) Er ist einer der härtesten Widersacher Putins – auch in Haft. Doch jetzt ist Alexej Nawalny verschwunden. Die Sorge um den gesundheitlich angeschlagenen Oppositio…

Euro zone business activity declines further in Dec -PMI

LONDON (Reuters) – The downturn in euro zone business activity surprisingly deepened in December, according to a closely watched survey which indicated the bloc’s economy is almost certainly in recession. Last quarter the euro zone economy contracted 0…