Student Gaza protests spread to European universities

Protests by students demanding universities sever ties with Israel over the Gaza war spread across western Europe on Tuesday, sparking clashes and dozens of fresh arrests. Students at various European universities, inspired by ongoing demonstrations at…

Braun Scores Big Win in Indiana Primary

Indiana held its primaries Tuesday and there were no surprises in early results: The AP called the Republican primary for Donald Trump soon after polls closed at 6pm Eastern, while President Biden was the only candidate on the Democratic ballot and “un…

Our Shtetl San Diego County: Yom, Yom, Yom

By Cailin Acosta Cailin Acosta SAN DIEGO – Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut are fast approaching. There will be separate community observances of these two Israeli holidays May 12 and 19 at the Lawrence Family JCC. In Israel, they have a day for rememb…