ロシア軍が大規模攻撃 ミサイル51発のうち18発を撃墜 ウクライナの防空能力の低下が課題

1: ばーど ★ 2024/01/09(火) 11:54:56.06 ID:Myt36LSR9 ウクライナの複数の都市に、ミサイル51発などによるロシア軍の大規模な攻撃がありました。ウクライナ軍が撃墜したミサイルは18発 […]

The post ロシア軍が大規模攻撃 ミサイル51発のうち18発を撃墜 ウクライナの防空能力の低下が課題 first appeared on TweeterBreakingNews-ツイッ速!.

5 ways women control their men without uttering a word

Is your girlfriend controlling you? Find out. It’s not uncommon for partners to influence one another. However, when influence turns into control, it can have profound effects on the relationship. For healthy relationships, communication is key. If you…


1: 名無しさん@涙目です。(ジパング) [CN] 2024/01/09(火) 12:30:38.47 ID:W0kFQ+ig0 BE:902666507-2BP(1500) sssp://img.5ch.net/ico […]

The post 【悲報】日米同盟、アメリカに直接参戦の義務なしと判明「米議会の判断を仰いでどうするか決める」 first appeared on TweeterBreakingNews-ツイッ速!.

Eat that frog in 2024: How to overcome procrastination

Eating that frog may not be the tastiest way to start your day, but it sure gets things moving. So, it’s the second week of 2024, but your grand resolutions are starting to feel… abandoned. Those once-burning ambitions are beginning to get buried under…