
1: ■忍【LV33,マドハンド,MT】第13艦隊◆IpxlQ2BXrcdb 24/01/09(火) 06:38:33 ID:??? 韓国造船大手の大宇造船海洋(現ハンファオーシャン)が開発した潜水艦の設計図面が台湾に流 […]

The post 【劣化技術流失】ドイツの欠陥潜水艦を韓国の技術でさらに劣化させたもんを流してどうすんの?大宇造船の潜水艦設計図面、台湾に流出…会社側「断固として責任を問う」 first appeared on TweeterBreakingNews-ツイッ速!.


1: ■忍【LV33,マドハンド,MT】第13艦隊◆IpxlQ2BXrcdb 24/01/09(火) 06:46:33 ID:??? 被災時のままの靴下と靴ってものすごい臭いを放つんです ある音楽家が自身のX(旧Twit […]

The post 【支援物資】迷惑系YouTuberの被災地入りや音楽ボランティアに「待った!」…東日本大震災被災者に聞く、今、被災地に本当に必要なモノ「何より欲しかったのは靴下、喫煙者はタバコ、洋服は新品を!」 first appeared on TweeterBreakingNews-ツイッ速!.

GSK to acquire Aiolos Bio in $1.4 billion deal

(Reuters) – British drugmaker GSK on Tuesday said it would acquire clinical-stage biopharmaceutical firm Aiolos Bio for a $1 billion upfront payment and up to $400 million in certainsuccess-based regulatory milestone payments. (Reporting by Eva Mathews…

Japan quake: Number of casualties increased again

The number of casualties from a series of powerful earthquakes that occurred in Japan on January 1 has increased to 180 people, with 81 of them perishing in the city of Wadzima, according to Kyodo. It is also reported that at least 120 people are consi…

Japan quake: Number of casualties increased again

The number of casualties from a series of powerful earthquakes that occurred in Japan on January 1 has increased to 180 people, with 81 of them perishing in the city of Wadzima, according to Kyodo. It is also reported that at least 120 people are consi…

Japan quake: Number of casualties increased again

The number of casualties from a series of powerful earthquakes that occurred in Japan on January 1 has increased to 180 people, with 81 of them perishing in the city of Wadzima, according to Kyodo. It is also reported that at least 120 people are consi…

【twitterトレンド】境界知能とは、知的障害ではないけれど、知能指数(I Q)が一般より低い70~84に位置する人のことだ

1: ■忍【LV33,マドハンド,MT】第13艦隊◆IpxlQ2BXrcdb 24/01/09(火) 07:03:45 ID:??? 橋本琴絵 @HashimotoKotoe 2024年のトレンドワードは境界知能です。 […]

The post 【twitterトレンド】境界知能とは、知的障害ではないけれど、知能指数(I Q)が一般より低い70~84に位置する人のことだ first appeared on TweeterBreakingNews-ツイッ速!.