Izumi Crane Observation Center

This winter, head to Izumi in Kagoshima Prefecture along with thousands of migratory cranes. For visitors of all ages, it’ll be a sight of a lifetime. Cranes have a long history of cultural significance in Japan. Mythologically, they are considered to …

U.S. Secretary of Defense diagnosed with cancer

Medics diagnosed the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, with cancer. He underwent surgery, reports CNBC. Medical professionals discovered prostate cancer in Lloyd Austin at the beginning of December 2023. However, by December 22nd, Austin underwent an…

U.S. Secretary of Defense diagnosed with cancer

Medics diagnosed the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, with cancer. He underwent surgery, reports CNBC. Medical professionals discovered prostate cancer in Lloyd Austin at the beginning of December 2023. However, by December 22nd, Austin underwent an…

U.S. Secretary of Defense diagnosed with cancer

Medics diagnosed the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, with cancer. He underwent surgery, reports CNBC. Medical professionals discovered prostate cancer in Lloyd Austin at the beginning of December 2023. However, by December 22nd, Austin underwent an…


1: おっさん友の会 ★ 2024/01/10(水) 00:59:57.86 ID:aJVhnyTT9 4日、船橋市非公認ご当地キャラクターのふなっしーさんが自身のXを更新し、能登半島地震の被災地となった石川県珠洲市に寄 […]

The post 【能登地震】ふなっしーさん「カレンダー2024の版権料967300円をキリ良く100万円にて」被災地の珠洲市に寄付 first appeared on TweeterBreakingNews-ツイッ速!.

【放火魔×酒害】泥酔…「覚えていない」 ススキノの雑居ビルで火事 段ボールに放火の現行犯で”自称23歳無職”の男を逮捕

1: ごまカンパチ ★ 2024/01/10(水) 01:17:06.05 ID:Bxb9JI8J9 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/fe03c76aa1fec4b326a74d29c […]

The post 【放火魔×酒害】泥酔…「覚えていない」 ススキノの雑居ビルで火事 段ボールに放火の現行犯で”自称23歳無職”の男を逮捕 first appeared on TweeterBreakingNews-ツイッ速!.