Tennis: Djokovic espère jouer jusqu’à 40 ans ou plus

Paris (AFP) – À 36 ans, Novak Djokovic n’a aucune intention de prendre sa retraite et se voit même jouer jusqu’à quarante ans ou plus, a-t-il déclaré mardi en marge d’un match-exhibition qu’il dispute en Arabie Saoudite. “J’espère que ma carrière pourr…

Three zodiac signs anticipate heartening news this week

By the end of this week and the year, representatives of three zodiac signs will receive truly incredible news. They will come to realize that the dark phase is now behind them. Slovofraza reports on which signs should anticipate joyous events. Virgo F…

Three zodiac signs anticipate heartening news this week

By the end of this week and the year, representatives of three zodiac signs will receive truly incredible news. They will come to realize that the dark phase is now behind them. Slovofraza reports on which signs should anticipate joyous events. Virgo F…

Three zodiac signs anticipate heartening news this week

By the end of this week and the year, representatives of three zodiac signs will receive truly incredible news. They will come to realize that the dark phase is now behind them. Slovofraza reports on which signs should anticipate joyous events. Virgo F…