自宅にスマホ届き、8550万円だまし取られる 西宮の80歳男性、警察名乗る男に指示される
大変なことに… ド軍フリーマン、“想定外の打球”が「ヤバすぎ」 ゴルフボールを打ったら…「弾丸w」「さすがMVP」
米ゴルフ専門チャンネル『Golf Channel』が公式Xを更新。ロサンゼルス・ドジャースの“ワール…
【プレミア12】井上温大が6回途中2失点と好投 お立ち台で喜び爆発「最高で~す!」
ソフトバンク栗原陵矢が声出し〝続投辞退〟!? 初戦勝利も「すぐ代えます」【プレミア12】
◆プレミア12 1次リーグB組 日本9―3オーストラリア(13日、バンテリンドームナゴヤ) 日本代表…
Habeck will Kanzler werden: Rückkehr zu X sorgt für Aufsehen
Habeck will Kanzler werden Er ist bereit, einen sehr hohen Preis zu zahlenRobert Habeck bei X: Gut inszenierte Posts auf der Plattform, die der Vizekanzler einst verlassen hatte. (Quelle: Screenshot vom X-Account @roberthabeck) Robert Habeck strebt nac…
ZoomInfo Analysts Raise Their Forecasts After Q3 Results
ZoomInfo Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ:ZI) reported better-than-expected earnings for its third quarter on Tuesday. On Tuesday, the company reported revenueof $303.6 million, beating estimates of $299.4 million, and adjusted EPS of 28cents, exceeding the c…
Ukrainian national guard fighters repel Russia’s largest assault on Siversk direction (video)
Ukrainian National Guard forces have repelled Russia’s largest assault on the Siversk direction, where Russians advanced with tanks, with the support of armored vehicles and infantry troops, the official page of the National Guard of Ukraine on Telegra…
Ukrainian national guard fighters repel Russia’s largest assault on Siversk direction (video)
Ukrainian National Guard forces have repelled Russia’s largest assault on the Siversk direction, where Russians advanced with tanks, with the support of armored vehicles and infantry troops, the official page of the National Guard of Ukraine on Telegra…
Ukrainian national guard fighters repel Russia’s largest assault on Siversk direction (video)
Ukrainian National Guard forces have repelled Russia’s largest assault on the Siversk direction, where Russians advanced with tanks, with the support of armored vehicles and infantry troops, the official page of the National Guard of Ukraine on Telegra…