Initial review of Snapdragon X Elite shows it’s slower than the four-year-old iPhone 12

Although several brands have released their Copilot+ computers with ARM-based Snapdragon X Elite processors, we have yet to see detailed reviews of their performance and battery life. However, one Reddit user, u/caponica23, got his hands on a Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge earlier and shared some initial findings in a lengthy article. And the performance […]

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Initial review of Snapdragon X Elite shows it’s slower than the four-year-old iPhone 12

Although several brands have released their Copilot+ computers with ARM-based Snapdragon X Elite processors, we have yet to see detailed reviews of their performance and battery life. However, one Reddit user, u/caponica23, got his hands on a Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge earlier and shared some initial findings in a lengthy article. And the performance […]

The post Initial review of Snapdragon X Elite shows it’s slower than the four-year-old iPhone 12 first appeared on